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17 Best Industrial Desks Made of Metal & Wood

Industrial desks are a must for any industrial style office space. Whether you’re shopping for your home office or for a professional work space, these desks are sure to help you achieve the perfect industrial look you want.

So, what are industrial desks made of? Well, you have a couple choices on that front. You may already know that industrial interior design is characterized by rustic wood, gray concrete, distressed materials, and metal finishing. Industrial furniture is often worn down, and the color scheme is almost always neutral or dark in appearance.

Industrial Desks

Here are the desks we recommend for furnishing your industrial home office space. As you can see, there are several options which tick all the boxes when it comes to industrial furniture. There are lots of wood, metal and distressed aspects to these desks. I think you’ll love them so much you’ll have a hard time deciding which one to choose!

Be sure to consider your needs and purpose for the desk before buying. There are many different types of home office desks and some are more practical than others. Do you need a simple writing desk with a flat surface? Maybe you need to store lots of files and so cabinets would be useful for you. Maybe you just need to store some paperwork and drawers would be handy. If you are an artist, perhaps a drawer for storing pencils, crayons and paper would be necessary.

Whatever the purpose of your workspace is, consider it before buying – even if you really fall in love with a design. After all, what good is having a pretty desk that doesn’t serve your needs?


Grace’s industrial studded desk looks fabulous against a whitewashed brick wall. The metal stool really completes this industrial office vibe!

I hope this post helped you find the perfect industrial office desk for space. Let us know which one you chose in the comments below!


More Industrial Decorating Ideas

Don’t stop decorating now! Here are a few more ideas to help you get the industrial style theme in your home. We have written many guides to finding the perfect furniture, decorations, and other accents in the styles you love.

As always, if you come across a beautiful industrial style desk, please share it with us in the comments below!

Happy curating!


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